Associations among preschool classroom chaos, work climates, and child outcomes (2025) - Byun, S., & Jeon, L. Teaching and Teacher Education
Does Head Start or public Pre-Kindergarten enrollment matter? Associations with children’s long-term school attendance in Baltimore City (2025) - Jeon, L., Burchinal, M. R., & Byun, S. Early Childhood Research Quarterly
Qualitative study on Social-Emotional Learning for Teachers (SELF-T): A professional development intervention promoting early childhood educators’ knowledge of emotional well-being (2024) - Ha, N., Byun, S., Lang, S., & Jeon, L. European Early Childhood Education Research
What drives early childhood providers to increase quality? Using expectancy-value theory to understand providers’ motivations and challenges in quality rating and improvement systems (2024) - Hur, E., Boyle, B., Ardeleanu, K., Jeon, L., & Bubier, I. Early Education and Development
Emotional schemas in relation to educators’ social and emotional competencies to promote student SEL (2024) - Jennings, P. A., Alamos, P., Baelen, R. N., Jeon, L., & Nicholas-Hoff, P. Y. Social and Emotional Learning: Research, Practice, and Policy
Exploring the associations between family–teacher cocaring relationships and teacher–child relationships in single-parent families (2024) - Ryu, D., Lang, S. N., & Jeon, L. Early Education and Development
Teachers’ implementation of social and emotional practices during remote instruction (2024) - Wahman, C. L., Byun, S., Jeon, L., White-Cascarilla, A., Houston, K., Moustaka, M., & Artman-Meeker, K. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
Examining the associations between teacher job satisfaction, workplace climate, and well-being resources within Head Start programs (2024) - Zhao, X. & Jeon, L. Early Education & Development
Exploring the use of Escribo Play mobile learning games to foster early mathematics for low-income first-grade children (2023) - Amorim, A. N., Jeon, L., Abel, Y., Pape, S., Albuquerque, E. X., Soares, M., ... & Florentino, R. Computers & Education
Preschool teachers’ psychological wellbeing, emotion regulation, and emotional responsiveness: A US-Korea comparison (2023) - Byun, S. & Jeon, L. Frontiers in Psychology
Early childhood teachers' sense of community and work engagement: Associations with children's social, emotional, and behavioral functioning (2023) - Bostic, B., Schock, N., Jeon, L., & Buettner, C. K. Journal of School Psychology
Why are they leaving? Understanding Associations between early childhood program policies and teacher turnover rates (2023) - Hur, E. H., Ardeleanu, K., Satchell, T. W., & Jeon, L. Child and Youth Care Forum
Paternal postpartum depression, coparenting, and father-infant bonding: Testing two mediated models using structural equation modeling (2023) - Wells, M. B., & Jeon, L. Journal of Affective Disorders
Bidirectional associations between paternal postpartum depression symptoms and coparenting: A cross-lagged panel model of fathers of infants and toddlers (2023) - Wells, M. B., Jeon, L., & Aronson, O. Journal of Affective Disorders
A phenomenological study of group facilitators’ experiences: A mindfulness-based wellbeing group for international students during the COVID-19 pandemic (2023) - Xiong, Y., Prasath, P. R., Zhang, Q., Jeon, L. & Pillay, Y. Journal for Specialists in Group Work
Escribo play online professional development can support teachers in providing online instruction (2023) - Amorim, A. N., Jeon, L., Abel, Y., Soares, M., Cerqueira, L., Aguiar, D., ... & Florentino, R. Social Sciences & Humanities Open
Like your students, like their families? Teacher perceptions and children’s socio-emotional-behavioral functioning (2023) - Schock, N. & Jeon, L. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
International students’ perceived discrimination and psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic (2022) - Xiong, Y., Rose Parasath, P., Zhang, Q., & Jeon, L. Journal of American College Health
Changes in early care and education settings amid COVID-19: Voices of parents (2022) - Byun, S., Jeong, J., & Jeon, L. Early Education & Development
Early childhood teachers’ work environment, perceived personal stress, and professional commitment in South Korea (2022) - Byun, S. & Jeon, L. Child and Youth Care Forum
Preschool teachers’ mindfulness and children’s social, emotional, and behavioral functioning (2022) - Jeon, L., Ardeleanu, K., & Zhao, X. Mindfulness
Self-efficacy development of graduate student leaders in facilitating groups for international students (2022) - Prasath, P. R., Xiong, Y., Zhang, Q., & Jeon, L. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy
Psychological capital, well-being, and distress of international students (2022) - Prasath, P. R., Xiong, Y., Zhang, Q., & Jeon, L. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling
Early childhood teachers’ psychological well-being and responsiveness towards children: A cross-cultural comparison between the U.S. and South Korea (2022) - Teaching and Teacher Education
A mindfulness-based wellbeing group for international students: A pilot study (2022) - Xiong, Y., Prasath, P., Zhang, Q. & Jeon, L. Journal of Counseling and Development
Escribo play learning games can foster early reading and writing for low-income kindergarten children (2022) - Amorim, A. N., Jeon, L., Abel, Y., Albuquerque, E. S., Soares, M., Silva, V. C., & Neto, J. R. O. Computers & Education
ECE program supports and teacher-perceived support from families: Are they connected? (2021) - Schock, N. & Jeon, L. Social Sciences
Teacher depressive symptoms and child math achievement in Head Start: The roles of family-teacher relationships and approaches to learning (2021) - Jeon, S., Jeon, L., Lang, S. N., & Newell, K. Child Development
Committed to caring: Cluster-analysis of appraisals and feelings of family childcare work (2021) - Park, C. E., Zinsser, K. M., & Jeon, L. Child & Youth Care Forum
Examining associations among provider-family relationships, provider coping strategies, and family child care providers’ relationships with children (2021) - Luckey, S., Lang, S. N., Jeon, L. Early Childhood Education Research Journal
Testing a holistic conceptual framework for early childhood teacher well-being (2021) - Kwon, K. A., Ford, T. G., Jeon, L., Malek-Lasater, Al., Ellis, N., Randall, K., Kile, M., & Salvatore, A. Journal of School Psychology
Promoting a person-centered approach to strengthening early childhood practices that support social-emotional development (2021) - Fettig, A., Artman-Meeker, K., Jeon, L., & Chang, H. C. Early Education and Development
Neglected elements of a high-quality early childhood workforce: Whole teacher well-being and working conditions (2020) - Kwon, K. A., Ford, T. G., Salvatore, A. L., Randall, K., Jeon, L., Malek-Lasater, A., ... & Han, M. Early Childhood Education Journal
Work climate in early care and education and teachers’ stress: Indirect associations through emotion regulation (2020) - Jeon, L., & Ardeleanu, K. Early Education & Development
Introduction to the special issue on early care and education professionals’ social and emotional well-being (2020) - Jennings, P. A., Jeon, L., & Roberts, A. M. Early Education & Development
Using Escribo Play video games to improve phonological awareness, early reading and writing in preschool (2020) - Amorim, A. N., Jeon, L., Abel, Y., Felisberto, E. F., Barbosa, L. N. F., & Dias, N. M. Educational Researcher
Social Emotional Learning for Teachers (SELF-T): A short-term, online intervention to increase early childhood educators’ resilience (2020) - Lang, S. N., Jeon, L., Sproat, E. B., Brothers, B. E., & Buettner, C. K. Early Education & Development
Associations between parent-teacher cocaring relationships, parent-child relationships, and young children’s social emotional development (2020) - Lang, S. N., Wells, M. B., Jeon, L., & Schoppe-Sullivan, S. J. Child & Youth Care Forum
The cascading effects of externalizing behaviors and academic functioning across developmental transitions: implications for prevention and intervention (2020) - Okano, L. Jeon, L., Crandall, A., Powell, T., & Riley, A. Prevention Science
Differential effects of internalizing behaviors on academic functioning for girls versus boys: An analysis of developmental cascades from elementary to high school (2019) - Okano, L., Jeon, L., Crandall, A., & Riley, A. Development and Psychopathology
The role of teachers' depressive symptoms in classroom quality and child developmental outcomes in Early Head Start programs (2019) - Kwon, K., Jeon, S., Jeon, L., & Castle, S. Learning and Individual Differences
Developmental cascades of social competence, achievement in school, and achievement on standardized assessments during the transition to adolescence and secondary school (2019) - Okano, L., Jeon, L., Crandall, A., Powell, T., & Riley, A. Journal of Adolescence
Early childhood teachers’ stress and children’s social, emotional, and behavioral functioning (2019) - Jeon, L., Buettner, C. K., Grant, A.A., & Lang, S. N. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
Chaos and professional commitment in the early childhood education classroom: Direct and indirect associations through teaching efficacy (2019) - Grant. A. A., Jeon, L., & Buettner, C. K. Teaching and Teacher Education
Relating early childhood teachers’ working conditions and well-being to their turnover intentions (2019) - Grant. A. A., Jeon, L., & Buettner, C. K. Educational Psychology
Family child care providers’ responsiveness toward children: The role of professional support and perceived stress (2018) - Jeon, L., Kwon, K., & Choi, J. Children and Youth Services Review
An organizational-level analysis of early childhood teachers’ job attitudes: Workplace satisfaction affects early Head Start and Head Start teacher turnover (2018) - Jeon, L., & Wells, M. B. Educational Researcher
Early childhood teachers’ psychological well-being: Exploring potential predictors of depression, stress, and emotional exhaustion (2018) - Jeon, L., Buettner, C. K., & Grant, A.A. Early Education & Development
Preschool teachers’ professional training, observational feedback, child-centered beliefs and motivation: Direct and indirect associations with social and emotional responsiveness (2017) - Lang, S. N., Mouzourou, C., Jeon, L., Buettner, C. K., & Hur, E. Child & Youth Care Forum
Examining a self-report measure of parent–teacher cocaring relationships and associations with parental involvement (2017) - Lang, S. N., Schoppe-Sullivan, S. J., & Jeon, L. Early Education and Development
Child-care chaos and teachers' responsiveness: The indirect associations through teachers' emotion regulation and coping (2016) - Jeon, L., Hur, E. & Buettner, C. K. Journal of School Psychology
Teachers’ social–emotional capacity: Factors associated with teachers’ responsiveness and professional commitment (2016) - Buettner, C. K., Jeon, L., Hur, E., & Garcia, R. E. Early Education and Development
Preschool teachers' child-centered beliefs: Direct and indirect associations with work climate and job-related wellbeing (2016) - Hur, E., Jeon, L., & Buettner, C. K. Child & Youth Care Forum
Preschool teachers’ professional background, process quality, and job attitudes: A person-centered approach (2016) - Jeon, L., Buettner, C. K., & Hur, E. Early Education and Development
What are we teaching the teachers? Child development curricula in US higher education (2016) - Buettner, C. K., Hur, E., Jeon, L., & Andrews, D. W. Child and Youth Care Forum
Quality Rating and Improvement Systems and children’s cognitive development (2015) - Jeon, L., & Buettner, C. K. Child & Youth Care Forum
The association between teachers’ child-centered belief and children’s academic achievement: The indirect effect of children’s behavioral self-regulation (2015) - Hur, E., Buettner, C. K., & Jeon, L. Child & Youth Care Forum
Parental depressive symptoms and children’s school-readiness: The indirect effect of household chaos (2015) - Hur, E., Buettner, C. K., & Jeon, L. Journal of Child and Family Studies
Examining pre-school classroom quality in statewide Quality Rating and Improvement System (2014) - Jeon, L., Buettner, C. K., & Hur, E. Child & Youth Care Forum
Family and neighborhood disadvantage, home environment, and children’s school readiness (2014) - Jeon, L., Buettner, C. K., & Hur, E. Journal of Family Psychology
Pathways from teacher depression and child-care quality to child behavioral problems (2014) - Jeon, L., Buettner, C. K., & Snyder, A. R. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Schock, N., Ardeleanu, K., Wang, J., & Jeon, L. (2022). “It’s Just Too Much”: COVID-19 Effects on Head Start Teachers’ Lives and Work. In Pattnaik, J., & Jalongo, M. R. (Eds.), The COVID-19 Pandemic: Effects on Early Childhood Education and Care. [peer-reviewed]
Jeon, L., Hur, E., Ardeleanu, K., Satchell, T., & Swanson, C. R. (2022). Child care professionals’ psychological well-being. In Saracho, O, N. (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives in Early Childhood Education. [peer-reviewed]
Amorim, A. N., Jeon, L., Abel, Y., & Dornelas, J. S. (2018). Criando jogos com base nas melhores evidências científicas. In Meira, L. & Blikstein, P. (Eds.), Ludicidade, Jogos Digitais e Gamificação na Aprendizagem: Estratégias Para Transformar as Escolas No Brasil. Porto Alegre, RS: Penso Editora
[title in English: Creating games employing the best scientific evidence]
Jeon, L., Roberts, A., Brock-Baca, A., Dale, J. & Marcell, A. (2023). Well-being first professional development program [Participant guide]. University of Virginia School of Education and Human Development.
Byun, S., Roberts, A., & Jeon, L. (2023). Well-being first professional development program [Trainer guide]. University of Virginia School of Education and Human Development.
Byun, S., Dewey, N., & Jeon, L. (2023). Early Childhood Landscape in Cherry Hill. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia.
Zhao, X., & Jeon, L. (2023). Baltimore City Early Childhood Data Collaborative common partner report for Head Start: Kindergarten class of 2019-20. Baltimore, MD: Baltimore Education Research Consortium.
Jeon, L., Dewey, N., Zhao, X., Bostic, B., & Stein, M. (2023). Kindergarten Success Fact Book: Baltimore City Kindergarten Classes of 2016-17 to 2021-22. Baltimore, MD: Baltimore Education Research Consortium.
Byun, S., Zhao, X., Leon, E., Clayton, D., Dale, J., Muirhead, M., Schanbacher, A., Mainzer, L., Jeon, L. (2022). July 2021-June 2022 Maryland Early Learning Assessment Implementation Academy: Evaluation Report. Center for Technology in Education, Johns Hopkins University School of Education, Baltimore, MD
Jeon, L., Dewey, N., Zhao, X., Bostic, B., & Stein, M. (2022). Kindergarten Success Fact Book: Baltimore City Kindergarten Classes of 2014-15 to 2019-20. Baltimore, MD: Baltimore Education Research Consortium.
Jeon, L., Schock, N., Cronister, C., Zhao, X., Bostic, B., Wang, J., & Candelaria, M. (2021). Baltimore City's young children: Prenatal to five experiences. Baltimore, MD: Baltimore Children’s Cabinet.
Manning, J., & Jeon, L. (2020). Teacher stress and second-hand trauma: Supporting teachers during re-entry. Johns Hopkins School of Education, Institute for Education Policy, Baltimore, MD. Learn more here.
Jeon, L., Bostic, B., Ardeleanu, K., Zhao, X., Li, H., Abel, Y., Harnett, C., Kwon, K., Marcell, A. V., & Swanson, R. C. (2020). Happy Teacher project: Strengthening health, wellness, and psychosocial environments in Head Start. Johns Hopkins School of Education, Baltimore, MD.
Amorim, A. N., Jeon, L., Abel, Y., Felisberto, E. F., Barbosa, L., & Dias, N. M. (2020). Uso de Jogos do Escribo Play para Aprimorar a Consciência Fonológica, a Leitura e a Escrita na Educação Infantil. Revista da Escola, Professor, Educação e Tecnologia, 2. Brazil. Learn more here.
Jeon, L., Hur, E., Satchell, T., Ardeleanu, K., Schock, N., Guttman, A., & Swanson, C. (2019). Maryland EXCELS 2019 Research Annual Report. IDEALS Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Education, Baltimore, MD.
Hur, E., Jeon, L., Guttman, A., Ardeleanu, K., Schock, N., Satchell, T., & Swanson, C. (2019). Maryland Technical Assistance Deliveries. IDEALS Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Education, Baltimore, MD.
Schock, N., Jeon, L., Guttman, A., Carran, D., Satchell, T., & Swanson C. (2019). Maryland EXCELS and Judy Center partnerships. IDEALS Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Education, Baltimore, MD.
Jeon, L., Alexander, C., Hur, E., Ardeleanu, K., Schock, N., & Swanson, C. (2019). Wage and compensation model for Alaska’s early care and education. IDEALS Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Education, Baltimore, MD. Learn more here.
IDEALS Institute (2019). Early Childhood Care and Education Compensation: National Landscape. IDEALS Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Education, Baltimore, MD.
Satchell, T., Dale, J., Jeon, L., Hur, E., & Swanson, C. (2019). Maryland EXCELS Monitoring Outlook. IDEALS Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Education, Baltimore, MD.
Jeon, L., Satchell, T., Dale, J., & Swanson, C. (2019). Voices from the Field: Perceptions of Maryland Early Childhood and School-age Educators. IDEALS Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Education, Baltimore, MD.
Jeon, L., & Buettner, C. K. (2017). Study of early childhood educator’s social-emotional capacity 2016-2017. Johns Hopkins University School of Education, Baltimore, MD.
Buettner, C. K., Jeon, L., & Hur, E. (2011). Step Up to Quality Research Initiative III: An examination of Ohio’s Quality Rating and Improvement System. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH